Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Faith and Commitment

"I began to dwell on the differences and difficulties . . . All that was the negative side. The positive side could be summed up in one brief sentence: God had spoken. Clearly, supernaturally, He had revealed his plan--first of all to me alone. Then, through a fellow Christian, he had confirmed it just as clearly, just as supernaturally. This had not come in response to my prayers, or even my desires. The whole revelation had its source solely in the sovereign will of God. If I were to reject God's will so clearly revealed, how could I expect His blessing on my future? . . . He was asking me to commit myself in faith to the plan He had revealed, and then to allow Him to work out for me the things I could not work out for myself. Finally I came to this point of commitment. So far as I understood God's plan for my life, I embraced it."

Derek Prince

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